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A look at Italmar Boats

Integrity stands at the forefront of Italmar Shipyards' ethos. With decades of experience in the pleasure craft sector, they're dedicated to offering customers safe boats with superior stability and efficiency without compromising style or aesthetics. Every boat is made with precision and attention to detail that's reflected in their sleek designs, outstanding performance, and overall excellence. Whether you're a recreational boater or a professional looking for something special, Italmar Shipyards has it all.

For almost three decades, Italmar Shipyards has been producing boats with intense passion, dedication, and care. From design to construction, their high standards ensure every boat is crafted to perfection. Italmar maritime vessels offer outstanding performance and reliability that make sailing the open seas an absolute pleasure. Perfect for both recreational boaters and professionals alike, each boat from Italmar Shipyards was designed with one thing in mind: to create an enjoyable experience on the water.

Boats from Italmar Shipyards are designed to provide the highest safety standards and reliable performance. Our innovative construction process uses quality raw materials for superior strength and durability. Space is intelligently utilised so the boats boast comfort beyond its exterior looks, plus customisation options provide further convenience. As for the style, our boats feature a modern design that is both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. So no matter what boat you choose, you can feel confident that it was made with passion and care by Italmar Shipyards.

Italmar Cabin Boats

For those looking for a cabin boat with plenty of space and comfort, the Cabin 28 from Italmar Shipyards is an ideal choice. With an 8.20 m length and 2.70 m width, this boat offers perfect balance between performance and aesthetics. It has enough room for four people to sleep comfortably and can carry up to nine people in total when transporting.

The all-new Cabin 24 also provides ample space for four sleepers plus eight transportable persons, while the Cabin 23 follows suit but on a slightly shorter 6.90 m length and 2.55 m width. The Cabin 22 provides more compact dimensions at 6.50 m x 2.40 m, with three bed places and seven transportable persons, and finally, the Cabin 18 boasts a 5.50 m x 2.30 m size with two sleeping areas but still enough space to transport six people in total.

Italmar Fishing Boats

For those looking for a boat perfect for fishing excursions, Italmar Shipyard's Timoner 550 and Fishing 500 are the ideal choices. Compactly designed, each of them measures 5.50 m x 2.30 m, with space for two bed places and six transportable passengers.

The Timoner 550 can also be used as a recreational boat thanks to its comfortable characteristics and stylish design. The Fishing 500 provides an open cockpit with ample surface area to relax in while still boasting two bed places and the capacity to transport up to 6 people in total. Both of these boats combine performance, aesthetics and convenience into the perfect vessel for casual or professional fishing trips.

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